new VW 2.5L NAC
David Ullrich
david.ullrich at
Fri Jul 28 19:34:30 EDT 2006
On 7/28/06, Brendan Walsh <audicted42 at> wrote:
> ouch... Well, all I can say is the test drive was good, the 2.5 has
> plenty of pep, handling was excellent, although the electronic assist
> does take away from road feel(or it could be that the car isn't 20 odd
> years old, who can tell?), interior has the super cool audi style
> gauge cluster... but I've got a brother who works for Ford and can get
> me an excellent deal on a new 5 door Focus (i know, i know the Audi
> gods are pointing and laughing at me and will most likely smite me for
> my insolence) So i think Ill save my 4g's for the repairs that I know
> that will need lol ;). Aside from Fords somewhat questionable
> reliability i have to say that the rave reviews about the handling
> were absolutely spot on, that thing is a go-kart. I had to work hard
> to get it unsettled. The 2.0L motor they put in it could use about 20
> more ponies though... Maybe I'll use the $ I'm saving on a
> supercharger...:)
> Anyway thanks for everyone's opinions and quotes of various
> statistics(Brett). On a side note my 4kq driver will be up for
> sale(cheap), need's some odds and ends along with a suspension
> overhaul (I have the parts) contact me off list if your interested.
> And yes I know this should be in the market place and it will be.
> Thanks again!
> Brendan
The 2.5 I5 has plenty of pep? Wow, you are the first I've ever heard say
that about it. Sure, it's better than the 2.slow, er...2.0 from the MkIV
Jetta/Golf, but most seem to think its still quite anemic. Plus it gets
deplorable gas mileage considering it's only 150hp. The 2.0T has a lot more
pep and gets much BETTER gas mileage. Why on earth anyone would choose the
2.5 when the 2.0T is availabe is beyond me. If you liked the 2.5, please
take the time to test drive a 2.0T. That said, the MkV Jetta IS a remarkable
car for the price no matter which engine you choose. Sure, its expensive
compared to the competition, but the dynamics of the car, and the interior
are vastly superior to the competition IMHO. Also, for those not aware, the
new MkV Jetta is about the same size as the B5/5.5 Passat.
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1987 CGT 2.3
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