Have I inherited LDC's CIS problem?

L DC ldc007usa at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 29 18:40:03 EDT 2006

I tell you Bob, this CIS culprits are contagious!!!

I for one have not had time to follow up on the
sugestions given, and greatly appreciated to listers
here, due to working 6 days per week for the past 2

But I think the problem in my '86 5KTQ is more simple
(or so I think and hope) to resolve than I originally

John Larson pointed out to someone else with a similar
No start problem about the missing "spare" fuse on the
fuse box. There are two fuses that would appear to be
spare but one of them is actually not a spare but
rather a fuse for the timing, as per the fuse box
label on the lid.

I don't know where I got it that it was a spare for
both and removed them to diagnose codes and did not
replace the timing one.

Hopefully when I replace the fuse it will fire up.

But in the case of your car is probably something
else. Does you car boasts such a fuse as the one on
the 5KTQ? 

If I'm not mistaken, the drive train, CIS, in your car
is the same as the 4KQ no? If so, that CIS appears to
be far less problematic as the older 5KTQ, base on my
experience on both, 5KTQ and 4KQ systems.

-Best Regards and hang in there!!!

-Louis Da'Costa or LDC

--- Bob Gregory <rggpa1 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Since last I posted, I have replaced fuse box
> (melted
> at rad fan connection points) and replaced all CIS
> parts (except injectors) with "new used" ones.  It
> still won't start, and now I don't smell any fuel at
> all.  This is "improvement" over previous condition
> with no start, heavy fuel smell, fuel leaking at
> differential pressure regulator, and the dreaded
> hydrolock (as diagnosed by dealer).  Fuel pump does
> work because I can hear it run for a few seconds
> (like
> always) while ignition switch in on position (I
> assumes it pumps up the system pressue this way),
> before moving the switch to start.  So I used Cody's
> prime the injectors process with the following
> results:
> Air plate moves very smoothly with proper upward
> resistance and quick downward return; Fuel pump does
> NOT run full time with ignition switch on and fuse
> in
> fuel pump relay; no jet engine starting sound at
> injectors.
> Where to go from here?
> Bob
> '88 90q
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