'87 4kq: whine, then stall

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Sun Jul 30 20:25:39 EDT 2006

> Thanks to all who responded. Does the fact that it was a hot day and 
> the car had been running a while enter into, or is it likely 
> coincidence?

I'd say probably coincidence more than anything.  My reason... although 
running for a while might seem to heat up the pump (but this is normal 
operating conditions), and high ambient temps would exacerbate (again, 
normal operating conditions, really), the pump is also cooled by the 
gasoline passing through it.  Even at idle, it still flows a lot of fuel 
(the extra is returned to the tank from the metering head).  So there is 
a limit to how hot it can get while running - approximately the tank gas 

Just my random USD0.02..

Huw Powell



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