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Fri Jul 14 15:42:52 EDT 2006

south of where you'd get on) and take Route 22/Route 374 West to pick
up Route 3 South to Saranac Lake. From Saranac Lake continue on Route 3
all the way to Watertown, where you can take I81 North to cross into Canada
to pick up 401.
This will take you through some great scenery (once the sun comes up) on
two lane roads that really highlight what a fine tourer the S6 is. Only
caveat is that
over the 4th and 5th there will be ZERO beds available around Lake Placid
Saranac Lake. There's a big rugby tournament every year. So you would need
either find accomodation further on, or sleep in the S6. Beware of extra
in the Saranac Lake area that weekend.
And watch out for critters, large and small, on those roads at night.

You might find these websites handy:

Border Crossing Wait Times

Lake Champlain Ferries

Have a good trip.

Chris Palmer
95.5 S6 Avant
04 allroad 2.7T 6MT

> [Original Message]
> From: Tom Winter <tom at>
> To: <audi at>
> Cc: <quattro at>
> Date: 7/31/2006 10:30:54 AM
> Subject: Re: Gonna do the drive (was 1995 S6 problems/issues? AND
autoshipping from VT to CO)
> Huw: I was thinking Canada, but not the 17. The map makes it look pretty
> straightforward if one bumps north from Burlington to Montreal and then
> the 401.
> But I keep being drawn back to the map of New York. There seems to be real
> potential for nice winding roads in northern part of that state,
> particularly through the Adirondack mountains (where I've never been).
> stretch of the trip could be the only chance to have some real fun, as
> Kansas is certain to be straight, flat and cruise control city.
> Tom

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