Car trashed... Options?

L DC ldc007usa at
Fri Jun 2 11:23:10 EDT 2006

Andrew, I couldn't agree more with Ben!

That looks like an easy fix and if the car runs fine
and has minimal rust, if that, the more reason to fix
it up!!

Besides, the car looks very nice and has and it’s a
stick shift. 

Just don't put another nice stereo until you move to a
less crime-prone area or can store the car in a
garage, like you said so yourself.

Toyotas are very good cars, but I bet you won't have
nearly as much fun driving that Echo as you do in your
Audi coupe.

Here’s a little consolation story:

During hurricane Wilma, one of my cars got beat up in
the middle of a cylinder head rebuilt, no less.

The thought of sending it to the crusher crossed my a
few times, especially when I had to move out of the
house where I lived, and where I was doing the
rebuilt, thanks again to Wilma.

It had been a very good car to me and at the end I
decided against it and went ahead with the cylinder
head re-built. Had it not been for a rupture on one of
the heater-core hoses in a hot (95+ F), humid day,
cruising at 85 MPH, the cylinder head would not have
required a rebuilt.

Hey, dings, scratches, and broken grill and bumper
covers did not deter me at the end.

I rescued it from Wilma's wrath!!

Car now just needs a little paint, which will get
soon, I hope :)

-Best Regards,


--- Andrew Butitta <akbutitta at> wrote:

> Hello, fellow listers. The patient in question is my
> 1987 Coupe GT with the strangely deleted A/C.
> Well, the other day some petty theives decided to
> 'delete' a few things from my wonderful little Audi.
> They got the stereo, and pretty much destroyed the
> interior of the car. They left the lights on, too,
> so the battery was dead by the time I got to it.
> I've got pictures of the destruction here:
> So, listers, what do you think? I'm not planning on
> keeping this car, so does anyone want this for
> parts, or should I take it to the local yard and off
> it there? I'm in Madison, WI, right off the highway
> and easy to get to. I got a jump from a friend and
> the car does run. I took it down to the local car
> wash and vacuumed out as much broken glass as I
> could. I'll be taking the plates off it in a few
> days and canceling the insurance on it, so if anyone
> wants this beast, please let me know.
> I'll also be more than happy to answer any questions
> about the car as well as I can.
> It was fun being a part of this excellent and
> supportive community, even for this brief period.
> So long, and thanks for all the fish!
> -Andrew
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