German word wins US Spelling Bee?

Tihol Tiholov t.tiholov at
Fri Jun 2 15:09:00 EDT 2006

> OK, is it just me?  I mean Ursprache?  I mean, it's great that now
everyone will understand I have an URquattro and not a You Are
quattro :-)  I guess the world iIS getting smaller.  In case you
missed it, "Ursprache" was the word that won the national spelling
bee for a 13 year old NJ girl this year.   And it means Root
Language. Hmm, Come to think of it, I've also got the Ur A8 -- the
V8 ;-)  lol

> And the runner-up was a 14 old Canadian girl who stumbled on
"Weltschmerz."  Also German.  Huh???

Seems to reflect the Zeitgeist ;o)

Merriam-Webster's been sending a whole bunch of French and other foreign
words, adopted into English on the "word-per-day" or whatever this e-mail
thing is called.  C'est la vie ...
No Spanish word yet, though

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