1988 90 Quattro rear-ended and totalled in Canada

Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Sat Jun 3 13:28:30 EDT 2006

Radek wrote:
> Hello group;
> I got rear-ended here in the Ottawa area a couple of days ago. <snip>... 
> Insurance appraiser says the car is most
> likely totalled.
> Radek
> 88 90Q (no more)
> 91 V8Q 5-sp.

Well as for the exhaust being bent, the bent section could be cut out and 
replaced with new pipe. You may want to look into if your insurance company 
has a buy-back policy. Sometimes when a car is totaled they will allow you 
to keep the car and still get some of the money. Another idea is to let them 
take the car, then find out what scrap yard they sold it to and buy it back 
from them for a few hundred bucks so you can part the car out. Usually the 
insurance company will frown upon obvious removal of parts after the 
accident, since they are buying you out of the car when it's totaled.

BTDT with my white 5ktq that burned to the ground. I got the boost gauge, 
EFI unit and radio before they told me I couldn't take any mor unless I 
bought the car from them. I had planned on tracking the down to the junkyard 
so I could buy it and take the beautiful pristine black leather sport seats 
among other things (everything forward of the dashboard includind the dash 
itself was gone, but from the sterring wheel back it looked like nothing 
happened). I was busy and work, and when I called the scrapper they had 
already crushed it. Ouch.

-Cody Forbes
'86 5ktq
'86 5k-t-q -Parts
'86 5k-t-q
'87 5ktq - Fast.

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