Type 44 Brake servo rebuild

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Mon Jun 5 10:30:06 EDT 2006


I have a leaking brake servo on the 89 200 tqa 10v,
I obtained an used replacement, with a view to
rebuilding it before 
fitting it,
Before I got the other servo, I did a search of the
site and found the 
guide on rebuilding URQ servo's
It looked sooooo easy.
According to the instructions:
1. remove servo.
       Done that!

2. Whilst retaining the internal components / spring
pressure, undo the 
detent screw and ease components apart
       There is no screw!

so, anyone rebuilt a type 44 servo and can tell me how
it comes apart?
since it is different to the urq, are the bits
It would be dumb to spend time stripping it, only to
discover that i 
can't fix it anyway.

any advice would be appreciated, and probably greatly
reduce my chances 
of having a minor *(&% up


Geraint Lloyd 
People's Republic of Canadia
'89 200 TQA MCII
'87 Ex Group N Golf 2 GTI, 2litre, 8v, RHD

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