pink coolant

David Kase davekase at
Mon Jun 5 16:13:30 EDT 2006

I have used Prestone's version of Dexcool for years and never had an 
issue.  It is silicate and phosphate free which I would think is the 
most important thing.

With technology today I would imagine this coolant is fine for Audis.  
After 4 Audis and well over 200k between them all is well...

I know there was a problem with Dexcool years ago but I think it had 
problems when mixed with the green stuff.

Dave Kase

>David Kavanagh wrote:
>>Does anyone know either a good source for the pink coolant used on later
>>model cars, or a FLAPS replacement? I was at my local store and found
>>various colored coolants that claim to work on all late model cars. I was
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David B. Kase
Engineering Manager
PDQ Industries, Inc.
2754 Creek Hill Road
PO Box 507
Leola, PA 17540

717-656-4281 (p)
717-656-8749 (f)

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