Autocheck radio display

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Wed Jun 7 14:02:09 EDT 2006

i am fitting a blaupunkt mp74 radio to the 200 ('89
tqa 10v etc)
the original (gamma?) is long gone and the current
kenwood thing is 
I have no issues with bypassing the rear amp (mainly
'cos it's already 
been done)

i have a question about the radio freq display on the
I noticed in the manual for the radio that there are
outputs: 'clock' 
and 'data',
however there is no mention of the 'enable' connection
shown on the 
car's wiring diagram in the bentley
anyone got any idea what 'enable' is or does?
i guess that it would be a voltage feed to the
autocheck to tell it that 
the radio is on, but then i've been wrong before.....
sending 12v down it, might cause unwanted smoke...

any ideas?

given that the radio has data and clock outputs that
may or may not 
correspond to the car's wiring, I plan to attempt to
hook the radio into 
the autocheck
since the radio and car come from the same country,
i'm  (v 
optimistically) hoping that the fact that they both
speak german might help

I searched the site for info, but it seems people have
asked the 
question over the years, but no one has answered it
am i missing something or am i venturing into the

obviously, i would rather someone replied to my post
on rebuilding 
type44 brake servos, that issue being a tad more
critical. however, I 
have been wondering about the radio so i figured i'd


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