Bought car cover, like it

LL - NY larrycleung at
Sat Jun 10 22:34:17 EDT 2006

I hope NOAH works out for you. I had Evolution 3 (sort of a triple layer'd
NOAH) and Weathertech and I found that the Evo3 fabric allowed dust and dirt
through and wasn't truely waterproof (although it did breathe well enough to
dry out without condensation while on the car). Weathertech was waterproof,
in an eerie way (it literally looks like water rolling off a duck's back.
It's weird) and dustproof. The problem was dust getting UNDER the cover,
didn't quite manage to keep it from sneaking under. In a windless world,
Weathertech would be perfect.


On 6/10/06, Alex Kowalski <hypereutectic1 at> wrote:
> A while back I asked for the List's advice on car covers and the best
> suggestion came from Larry Leung who suggested I look at the Weathertech
> cover for the '86.  I wound up buying a NOAH cover from Car Covers Direct
> with the Kimberly-Clark 4-layer NOAH fabric.  This was a custom-fit cover
> and it took them about 10 days to ship to me, but it is indeed precisely
> tailored to the lines of the car and fits very well down to the bottom of
> the wheels, with nice "gathers" on the front and rear.  The cost was $210
> and for that price I'm pleased right now with the protection.  After all the
> rain we've had recently in Massachusetts I am going to remove the cover
> today and see how well it's been sealed, but I bought this because it's
> billed as an "outdoor" cover with superior UV and weather protection.  I
> need that for the red paint on the car.
> If you visit their website, you'll see that this is a mid-priced cover but
> at this point it seems to be working well. If it lasts and performs as
> advertised (and I will be sure to update the List about its performance)
> I'll think it was really worth the money.
> Alex Kowalski
> '87 5KCSTQ
> '86 5KCSTQ  -- Covered while I get the engine and new seats ready.

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