Help - 200TQ big boost leak on trip

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Mon Jun 12 11:26:27 EDT 2006


I too had a problem with the turbo to intercooler hose
on an mc2
mine had (turbo to intercooler) : rubber J hose->
plastic foam filled 
'silencer'-> rubber bellows

the bellows had split and is apparently NLA.
these people:
had a bellows in stock (NOS). I didn't buy it.
apparently there was a rubber hose available to go
from the turbo to the 
intercooler in one go i.e. no silencer.
I was quoted $350 canadian for this hose, which is
apparently still 
350 bucks, well b at llocks to that!

in the end i fixed it with a bit of silicone hydraulic
hose and a steel 
hydraulic hose connector from my local hydraulic
equipment store for $20 CAD
i actually spent $50 canadian, but most of that went
on stainless hose 
in for a penny......

the J tube was 1/4 of an inch smaller in diameter than
the intercooler 
inlet hence the steel connector (bigger on one end
than the other 
by....1/4"! wahey)
diameters are 2.25 and 2.5 respectively i think, but,
by now you should 
have the bits in font of you to measure properly.

I took a pic and will send it when I get home this
unfortunately, i haven't got it with me

anyone else interested in the pic, please email me
this arvo (monday)and 
i will CC you.
sorry, but i haven't got an ftp site to upload it to


Kurt Deschler wrote:
> I pulled off the lower intercooler hose and it did
have a large tear that 
> was hidden from view. I superglued it and
reinfiorced it with some rubber 
> on the inside. It should hold until I get back to
Massachusetts. Car seems 
> to be running fine now. This hasn't failed yet on my
87 but I will be sure 
> to get 2 as a preventative measure. I wish worldpac
would carry this part.
>  	-Kurt
> On Sat, 10 Jun 2006, Kurt Deschler wrote:
>> Kneale,
>> I'm in Rochester MI now so that is probably too
far. I was thinking to 
>> superglue the intercooler hose if it turns out to
be split. If I have the 1.4 
>> bar spring with me I will put that back in and
disconnect the WGFV to keep 
>> boost down.
>> 	 -Kurt
>> On Fri, 9 Jun 2006, Kneale Brownson wrote:
>>>  That's a molded hose with a stub hose into it. 
Part #  034 145 746N
>>>  Probably specific to the 91 3B application.  A
quick search of several
>>>  WorldPack type sources shows no availability.
>>>  Where are you in MI?  I have a spare used lower
intercooler hose you could
>>>  borrow.  I'm in Traverse City.
>>>  At 02:39 PM 6/9/2006 -0400, Kurt Deschler wrote:
>>>>  I tested the check valve and it was allowing
some flow in the opposite
>>>>  direction so I replaced it. Howerever, this has
not solved the problem. 
>>>>  I
>>>>  will pull off the lower intercooler host
tomorrow and take a look. 
>>>>  Anyone
>>>>  know if that is a dealer-only part or if a
generic silicone hose will
>>>>  fit? Ideally I would like to replace before I
leave Michigan.
>>>>   -Kurt
>>>>  On Fri, 9 Jun 2006, Brett Dikeman wrote:
>>>>>  On Jun 8, 2006, at 6:38 PM, Kurt Deschler
>>>>>>  We are on our way from massachusetts to
michigan and having a 
>>>>>>  problem with
>>>>>>  the 200. Under boost, there is a surge of air
into the cabin through 
>>>>>>  the
>>>>>>  vents.
>>>>>  Does the 'surge of air' come from flaps
changing position?  If so, 
>>>>>  sounds
>>>>>  like the one-way valve on the vacuum line off
the manifold to the CC 
>>>>>  system
>>>>>  is broken.
>>>>>  Brett
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