did you guys see this? car container ship sinking in English Channel (LAC)

Tessie McMillan tessmc at drizzle.com
Mon Jun 12 17:46:56 EDT 2006


As I heard from many a lister and some of my coworkers, the disabled 
ship was quite a danger to traffic. Even as the cargo ship lay in the 
water, it was struck by two other ships. I didn't know you guys had "bump 
to pass" in the English Channel.

Anyway, apparently the accident in 2002 or so. My boss (a BMW/Mini-phile, 
among other things) said that some of our coworkers lost their incoming 
Minis on that ship. Of course, _that_ makes it a _real_ disaster &:-D.


On Mon, 12 Jun 2006, L DC wrote:

> What a mess Tess!!!
> Just one Q.
> Why did they go through the trouble of pulling the
> wreck since everything is ruined?
> -Regards,
> -Louis

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