Hall Sender code MCII

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 15 11:08:14 EDT 2006

 Kneale, the accidents weren't that jolting. Just
cracked the front bumper cover, pushed the p-side
frame rail up a smidge, & pushed in the pass side
fender above the tire. I mean the frame rail isn't
pushed in feet, only like an inch or two. 
The accident did push the intercooler loose & into one
of the front bolts. The cooler does have a dent in the
lower mid point of the cooler & there is oil in that
area. The cooler end tanks look OK though through a
visual & hand inspection. No cracks or holes in the
end tanks. Just the indent in the fins were it looks
like oil is spiting out.
 The hoses look good as well, no rips in the top hose
from top of cooler to air box or the lower from cooler
to turbo.
 + the car ran & drove for at least 2 weeks after.
Just one morn didn't start just cranked, but didn't
 Maybe the accidents jared the car a bit but I don't
think the timming pin got loose. Again the accidents
weren't that bad.

 I should have brought my meter but I forgot it Doh!
Which is a hassle since the cars 3 or so hrs away from
 I think I'll go back with another dizzy & a meter &
get the car at my next oportunity. I can't do
digagnostics this far from the car.
 But if all else fails I'll rip the starter out. It is
easier than ripping the starter out of the V8's hey
90 80q 20vt AAN project
90 V8q 3.6 not stock
93 V8q 4.2 "The Green Monster"
& a Porsche 944 F.S

--- Kneale Brownson <kneale at coslink.net> wrote:

> Doesn't this car require a flywheel timing rod
> that's pressed into the
> flywheel?  Maybe the accidents jolted this appendage
> loose?  
> At 05:40 AM 6/15/2006 -0700, Ron Wainwright wrote:
>  I
> >went through Scott Moc's "no start" condition.
> Which
> >entails vac leaks, idle mixture, fault code
> checking,
> >ign switch check, bla, bla, bla...

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