Air in the hydraulic system - yikes!

Kunz, Bob bob.kunz at
Tue Jun 20 20:15:19 EDT 2006

Thank you all...

Turns out I have both the original pump and a rebuild kit, the drag link
socket and the instructions on how to rebuild a pump. I'm going to swap
in the old weeping (it wasn't really a leak) pump and see if that cures
the problem, then rebuild one or the other.

I knew you guys would confirm a suspicion if I put it out there.

Thanks again!


'86 5Ks avant
'02 TTQR


Peter responded with:


As others have said...  Odds are very, very high it is the pump.
kit is ~ $25 from what I recall.  Rebuild is not a huge issue, but it
take a couple of hours if things are gummed up.  

You have to press off/on the pulley and you need a "drag link socket"
the piston caps which can be obtained easily enough.  I can dig up the
HOW-TO if required.


Bob originally said:

<<snip, snip>>

It appears that air is getting mixed in somewhere in the system. 

<<more snip, snip>>

Could the pump itself be the problem? Perhaps a crack on the vacuum side
it? I can't think of anything else 

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