Clutch Pedal

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Wed Jun 21 09:43:13 EDT 2006

back bleeding worked well for me too on the 200tqa
even with shot Mcyl 
and slave cyl
(got me out of a hole) thanks to Louis Alain, some
grilled chicken and a 
6 pack
brought the pedal back from the floor
there should be a bit of play on the 200 clutch
according to the bentley
does the clutch drag when changing gear?

also the gunson eezibleed is magic for this sort of
unfortunately i bought mine in halfords in the UK.
not seen one in N america yet
FYI Don't know how it works on the URQ brake pressure
regulator (front 
and rear)
Louis Alain was having a go with it last night i
think. I'll ask!
Gunson Eezibleed&cid=225

here are the instructions for the eezibleed
which should be enough to let you guys figure out how
to make something 
similar (but not identical!) should availability be an


cobram at wrote:
> Did you bleed it well?  Bleeding the clutch system
can be a bitch, back
> bleeding has always worked well for me.
> A second flood, a simple famine, plagues of locusts
everywhere, or a
> cataclysmic earthquake, I'd accept with some
despair. But no, You sent us
> Congress! Good God, Sir, was that fair?
> "Max Hoepli" <mhoepli at> writes:
>> After leaving my 1986 Audi 5000 Quattro for several
hours, the clutch 
>> pedal can be pulled about 5 centimeters, there is
an empty play of 5 
>> cms., if clutch pedal is pumped a few times the
pedal will come more 
>> out and get firmer. I wonder if changing the brake
fluid will cause 
>> pedal to stay firm all the time & stop this
overplay. The clutch 
>> master & slave cylinders & hose between them are
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