Buying an A6 or A8 - things to look for?

Britt Crowell Britt at
Wed Jun 28 22:43:21 EDT 2006

I would go for the A8 unless you do a lot of high altitude driving.
My A8 was ok in Colorado, up in the mountians was so, so, going over the 
passes I missed the Turbo.
Moved back to Alabama last summer and the car is a beast at anything close 
to sea level.
I spend most of my time with A8 stuff over at Audi World
There is a guy with a good site on the A8 - - 
Even got a buyers check list.
Wish I had that before I got mine.
My A8 is a '97 quattro. Got it on ebay with 99K miles for $10K (probaly too 
much) last April. since then I have put on about 20K miles. I hate the car 
payment (never had one before) and love the car! No tranny problems for me, 
droped the pan and changed the fluid last month, looks suprisingly good. 
Just did my timming belt myself, 3 years and 30Kmiles late, but done. Just 
drove back from a long business trip in Colorado and averaged about 25 mpg 
all the way 75-80 mph.
Did I mention I love this car?
Its my 5th Audi, all the others beeing type 44 turbo quattros. Still got a 
And its Black on Black! With the summer and winter packages.
Beware of the summer package, its nice, keeps the car cool ( unbelivable for 
a black/black car), but if you like to drive fast, no radar dectector will 
work from inside, the tint in the front windshield rendered my V1 useless! 
And my cell phone works like crap too!
VagCom is a must to have.
Hope that helps.
Britt Crowell

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