HP brake hose to bomb

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Thu Mar 2 17:49:43 EST 2006

Find the lube & oil distributor for your area.  The Mobil distributor for
my area is about 100 miles away in another state, whenever I need pail of
DTE13M or whatever, I find out when their truck will be in the area and
setup a delivery.  

Mmmmmm, Juicy Fruit.

"Max Hoepli" <mhoepli at vif.com> writes:
> gas stations not in urban areas, I have tried to buy the Esso Univis 
> J13 hydraulic oil in Esso stations in Toronto, but no success. I bought

> oil in a town east of Peterborough, Ontario.
> Max

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