NAC, but wrenching content

quattro1869 at quattro1869 at
Mon Mar 20 09:25:30 EST 2006

The strength of the ramp has been compromised.  I dont know if it would be worth fixing.  A new set of ramps is inexpensive, especially for the piece of mind knowing that they wont fail.
Craig K. Porter
98 A4q 2.7T
 Message: 4
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2006 20:00:38 -0800
From: Andrew Buc <AndrewBuc at>
Subject: NAC, but wrenching content
To: quattro at
Message-ID: <17798C4B-B7C6-11DA-BEDE-0003937721EA at>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=US-ASCII;   format=flowed

For a few years I've had a pair of stamped sheet-steel ramps that you 
can drive a car onto in order to get one end in the air w/o jacking it 
up. If you took a cross-section of the ramp at most points, it would be 
like this:

U       U

The tire rests on the flat surface between the U-shaped sections (which 
are shown upside down above). I've roughly eyeballed the U-shaped 
sections at 1.5" wide x 2" high. On one of the ramps, one of the 
U-shaped sections has been deformed so the straight parts of the U are 
about 1/4" apart, and not quite parallel. This is at the place where 
the cross-section actually rests on the ground, at the opposite end 
from the gently sloped end that you drive the car onto. I'm sure I 
could insert a tool and spread the sides out to their original width, 
or close to, but would the ramp then be dangerous to use? Is it 
dangerous to use now? If the answer is yes, they're going straight in 
the dumpster. TIA

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