Central Door Locking Problem & Wet Floor...

Jim Dupree jdupree914 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 22 03:41:34 EST 2006

Your logic is good for most cars but this an Audi.
The system is triggered electrically from the switches in the door locks or
trunk lock. But the locks are actuated by vacuum or air pressure. there are
plastic tubes/hoses that run to each door lock servo and there is a
bi-pressure pump under the rear seat. The pump either draws vacuum or pumps
up press to lock and/or unlock the doors. I don't recall which does what.
Wires broken going to the driver door can prevent you from triggering the
locks from the driver door but the servo still locks/unlocks because the
vacuum/press tube is intact.
Broken wire in the driver door loom is very common on the type 44's. Pull
the boot between the door and the door jamb and have a look at the wires. It
is easy to check, a bit harder to get the boot back in place but you will
have find the broken wires.
Good Luck

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "K. Efe Egilmez" <efeegilmez at emko.net>
To: <kentmclean at mindspring.com>; <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 11:57 PM
Subject: RE: Central Door Locking Problem & Wet Floor...

> Hi, thanx for your answers.
> Regarding the door lock, I thought it would be from the door wires too.
> I opted it out as I realized the central locking operation still works
> (inc.lefthandside drivers faulty door) when the doors are locked/unlocked
> from the front righthandside passenger door.
> If the wires were broken, the lefthandside drivers doors lock would not
> operate at all. I'm just wondering if there is a switch of some sort
> somewhere...(it is weird :) )
> I'll check the drains asap (or else goldfish & toads gonna infest :))
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kent McLean [mailto:kentmclean at mindspring.com]
> Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 4:52 PM
> To: quattro at audifans.com; K. Efe Egilmez
> Subject: Re: Central Door Locking Problem & Wet Floor...
> K. Efe Egilmez wrote:
> > 1. Since a while, the front drivers seatside door, cannot operate the
> > central locking or unlocking operation.
> My guess, based on odd behavior with a 200 TQ, is that there are broken
> wires inside the rubber boot in the driver's side door jamb (between the
> door and the body). The repetitive opening and closing of the door causes
> the wires to break.  Peel back the rubber boot and look for frayed or
> wiring.  Splice a 1-foot
> (30cm) piece in place, and push the splice joints ends into the door and
> body.
> See:
> http://www.audifans.com/twiki/bin/view/Audi/PowerWindowInoperative
> > 2. Second one is a bit more serious. Lately. I have started
> > discovering that the floor of my car is getting wet.
> Two possible causes. If you have a sunroof, the drains are clogged.
> If not, the drains in the plenum (under the hood, by the base of the
> windshield) are clogged.  Either way, clean them out.
> You should be careful using wire on the sunroof drains, as it can poke
> in the drain tubes. Better to use stiff plastic like that used in
> weed-whackers (lawn edgers). But used whatever you have, and be careful.
> can get at the drains from above when the sunroof is open (look in the
> corners), and from below (I don't know where on the 80/90).
> Fro the plenum drains:
> http://www.audifans.com/twiki/bin/view/Audi/PlenumDrains
> > Best wishes from Istanbul,
> I love the international flavor of this list.  Greetings from Concord, New
> Hampshire, USA.
> --
> Kent McLean
> '94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
> '89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke
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