Front wheel bearing

Cody Forbes cody at
Wed Mar 22 20:59:49 EST 2006

Kent McLean wrote:
>> I am replacing the outer cv joint on 1990 200 qt 10v. I want to do
>> the wheel bearing as well. can you tell me what puller and press
>> you used to R/R the front wheel bearings.
> The hub comes off, and then you can press out the bearing.
> Or have the bearing pressed out/in at a machine shop.
> The other option is a Hub Shark or similar; it pulls the bearing
> out and presses it in with the hub still on the car. Harbor Freight
> makes an inexpensive alternative that seems to be good enough
> for home use.

IME unless the bearing is really stuck a decent drift with a BFH is my 
prefered method of both hub and bearing removal. For re-installation I start 
with freezing the new bearing over night, then heating the strut/spindal 
with an oxy. acetaline (sp?) torch and puting the bearing in by genty 
tapping with a brass hammer, then freezing the hub and CAREFULLY AND LIGHTLY 
torching the bearing and using the same light tapping with a brass hammer.

-Cody Forbes
'86 5ktq
'86 5k-t-q
'87 5ktq - Fast.

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