Urs6 after run coolant fuse/breaker

iain.atkinson at tesco.net iain.atkinson at tesco.net
Sat Mar 25 07:57:56 EST 2006

Ok i have suspected my after run cooling circuit wasn't working, i am right, done the test with the 2 wires on the sensor it works, but i managed to short them, touched the damn screw driver on something else, any ideas if there is a fuse for this circuit if so where???? I have checked the fuses in the fuse box they all look fine, pulled the carpet where the ecu is nothing blown there either.

I have had a look on sjm's site but i still haven't found the fuse, found the relay but have no way of knowing if it works or not, the electric fan still runs when i turn the a/c on so at least that's still working.



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