looking for a new radio for the ol' 5k

Elie Spiesel espiesel at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 25 12:26:44 EST 2006

>>  I looked at the Nakamichi (CD-400) and like it very much. The look is
>>  just what I was hoping for.  In fact I like the CD-500 and CD700 II
>>  also. How to choose?
> Well, it looks like the 500 gives you mp3 capability, which might be
> rather nice... and the 700, what, costs more?
> Anyone out there have experience with them?  I've been happy with my 400 
> for going on 3 years now.

The CD-700 has no built-in amp - you have to have an external amp.
I too have been happy with my CD-400 for a couple of years (not in
my Audi), though I've been told that the importer has gone bankrupt
(again) and so warranty issues, should they arise, may be tricky.
- E
'95 A6q
New Jersey USA

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