
E. Roy Wendell IV erwendell at mac.com
Mon Mar 27 12:39:45 EST 2006

While nimh batteries are being held up for one reason or another, the  
whole issue is in the process of becoming moot now that the new  
generation of lion batteries are going into production. Using  
materials engineered at the nano level, cells are now in production  
that offer an oder of magnitude better performance.


This isn't pie in the sky vaporware. These cells are currently  
available at the nearest big box home improvement store in the form  
of DeWalt tool power packs.

As for the issue of whether or not nimh production being suppressed,  
one can't help but be suspicious. The gas and oil companies are now  
marketing themselves as "energy" companies and buying up alternative  
energy technology at a rapid rate. This is supposedly in order to  
diversify their holdings so that they have a viable business plan no  
matter what happens to global oil supplies. This makes the  
shareholders and marketing departments happy ("look at us, we're  
green"), but the company as a whole is still 99% fossil fuel based.  
So you have to wonder, given that a corporation's purpose is to make  
as much money as possible, why they wouldn't hold on to alternative  
energy technologies as a hedge but stop their widespread use so that  
they can continue to accumulate massive profits off their core  
business. By law, that's exactly what they have to do or face a  
shareholder lawsuit.

E. Roy Wendell IV
erwendell at mac.com
Too many type 44 tq
A pair of MR2s

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