Passed California smog test again, hehehehehe

capnkidd capnkidd at
Thu Mar 30 01:03:02 EST 2006

_message below_ 

 |-----Original Message-----
 |From: Huw Powell [mailto:audi at] 
 |Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:20 PM
 |To: capnkidd
 |Cc: quattro at
 |Subject: Re: Passed California smog test again, hehehehehe
 |> I may only have to do one more test in 2 years and my car will be 
 |> exempt......  30 years old.
 |> I do want to get a "modern" engine with knock sensors, mass 
 |air flow 
 |> sensor, ox sensors on the exhaust, etc., for they get 
 |better gas mileage.
 |The 81 5kt has an OXS... although it is just plain vanilla 
 |CIS running the engine, 130 hp, as I recall... though it sure 
 |seemed faster than that.  Then again, the used car dealer I 
 |got it from mumbled something about a waste gate spring...

Diddling the spring in the type 43 turbo is a waste of time;  I shimmed mine
some with no effect.  However, you can feedback the pressure from the vacuum
line that also senses boost and really get some boost.  I tried it for a
short time and the results were so stunning that I was afraid that I might
exceed the brake mean effective pressure of the cylinders, no kidding.  But,
I also know that engine and all its little problems.  Boosting it that heavy
for any length of time will cause something to come loose.  It would be okay
if it were torn down and rebuilt often like race engines but that not the

 |> I looked
 |> at a very good looking 1990 - 80 today on the way home from 
 |the test, 
 |> 4 cylinder with automatic.  I bet it can't get out of its 
 |own shadow.
 |I bet it is faster than your 5kt, or at least close to it.  130 hp at
 |3042 lbs CW versus 108 at 2624 for the 80... and less air resistance.

Hah, you forgot that it's a 3 speed slush box.  I didn't know there were any
sold with the 4 cylinder and automatic.  Mine is 23.4 pounds per hp;  the 80
would be 24.30 pounds per hp.  Aerodynamics don't matter much until the
vehicle is going faster than, say 80 mph.  Frontal sail area wouldn't be
much difference.  Now the 5 cylinder version, 80Q, would be a little better,
but it weighs more.  The good thing about the 2624 pounds is that it
probably will actually get the 30mpg promised in the EPA sticker.

 |But why get rid of something so "tried and true", eh?

Well, being the Scrooge that I am, I won't until either 1) my car falls on
its butt, 2) someone wrecks it beyond practical repair, 3) I really find
something I like.


Jim Jordan

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