UPDATE Re: strut cap removal tool #2069

Doug Yoder audifan at zordok.net
Mon May 1 12:05:59 EDT 2006

First, a BIG "Thank You!" to all who replied with alternative
suggestions, offers to mail tools, photos and instructions for how to
"make your own".

Here's an update and some background info on what I'm doing:
My 87 5kcstq rides like crap - bad bushings all around, and a couple
bad shocks.  Perfect excuse to upgrade to H&R springs with bilstein
sport shocks, right? ;)
Ordered all the parts, including upper strut mounts & bearings, CA
bushings, new hardware, etc.  Got the front struts out of the car, I
was able to get the top retaining nut (the one that needs something
like an O2 sensor socket so you can hold the top of the shock with an
allen key) out by using vise grips on the shock piston and an air
wrench on the retaining nut.  Took the springs, upper mounts, etc off
the strut, and then ran into the "threaded cap" that holds the shock
into the strut.  This is where I emailed the list looking to borrow a
2069 tool.  I ended up having a friend give me a ride to the store to
get a big effin' pipe wrench (I think I got the 18" handle 2.5" jaw
one).  Then it was a matter of leverage - put a 4' cheater pipe on the
handle of the pipe wrench, and viola!  The caps are off!  From there
it was, as they say, "reinstallation is reverse of removal".

Only other serious problem encountered was the seperation of the front
left wheel bearing when pushing the axle out of the hub.  Seems the
shop that replaced it <2000 miles ago won't be getting my business
again!  I have a new bearing on rush delivery, and since that strut
assembly is still out of the car, it will be simple enough to run it
over to a shop and have the new bearing pressed in.

Maybe I'll find time to do the rears sometime soon...

Again, thanks everyone!  I love the q-list!

Doug Yoder

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit - there's footprints on the moon."

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