CIS Problem?

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Mon May 1 14:11:42 EDT 2006

i'll qualify that a bit then.

you reduce the number of spark sources to one - 12v
contact and don't 
have the (high voltage) ignition system to worry
after all 'tis the the latter that is designed to
start your fuel burning.

you can also operate said household light switch with
your foot.

i did say "reduce" not 'eliminate'. I assume that
people have enough 
intelligence to not operate the switch when it or the
operator are 
covered in petrol.

Brett Dikeman wrote:
> On May 1, 2006, at 12:48 PM, Geraint Lloyd wrote:
>> mine has 2 * 8 foot bits of wire connected to a
>> household  light switch in a box.
> *snip*
>> also with this tool, you reduce the chance of an
>> explosion or fire due to the combination of fuel,
air and sparks.
> Uh- no, you don't.  A household light switch isn't
even remotely sealed.
> Brett

Geraint Lloyd MPhil, BSc (hons)
VP Exploration

Gastem Inc,
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