learned something about drivetrain wobbles today

DeWitt Harrison six-rs at comcast.net
Wed May 3 22:04:27 EDT 2006

I'm puzzled by your experience and can't figure out what's
going on because torque is torque and any 'twist'  in
a socket or an extension ought to make no difference. The
torque seen at the driving end and the working end are
the same by definition. Something else must be afoot.

DeWitt Harrison
'88 5kcstq

On Wed, 3 May 2006 15:14:38 -0700 (PDT),
    Mike LaRosa <mrmotoguzzi00 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> [ ... ]
> shook the wheels looking for bad wheel bearings..  one
> moved... hhhhmmmmmm lo and behold i had a wheel with
> loose lugnuts!  argh, a few weeks back i had rotated
> the tires.  It's not like me to screw up something so
> easy, okay so most of the time :) I torque everything,
> then do a one more time around the whole car.  I
> distinctly remember doing it...  hhhmmmmmm
> The difference this time is that I used a deep socket
> this time instead of a standard socket.
> I forgot to add in the flex of the socket when i
> torqued it all down.  I checked them all with the deep
> socket and most where at 80+ ftlbs.
> Then i went over it again with the normal socket,
> just a bit under 70 ftlbs they started to turn.

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