CIS Problem?--SOLVED!!

L DC ldc007usa at
Thu May 4 11:28:53 EDT 2006

Thanks Geraint

Geraint wrote:

> Congratulations
> bit of a shame about the list of other things to do,
> but then why do we love old cars?

My girl-friend, family and everyone else who doesn't
understand guys like us ask the same Q every time I
open the hood of one of my classics, even if is for an
oil level check ;)

Hey, I even ask myself that Q, although only when I
can't figure things out myself or when no/or vague
responses on the

Speaking of working on old cars, did I tell you about
the clutch job my other QSW is in need of or the
heater core job on yet another QSW---the one with the
recent top engine rebuilt?

-Best Regards,


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