A4 list?

Doug Yoder audifan at zordok.net
Thu May 4 11:08:58 EDT 2006

There's all kinds of lists, for all your Audi discussion needs!  Hint:
 there's a link at the bottom of every email that gets sent though the
list for info about that list.  From there you can go to the page that
has info about /ALL/ the lists.  Here's that link:
The short answer, now that you've read this far, is "yes, there is an
A4 list". ;)


On 5/4/06, Evan Parker <Evan at nextgenrealty.com> wrote:
> Is there an A4 list, or do those owners post here as well?  I've known
> this to be a mostly 5 cyl list since I've been on it...
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> quattro at audifans.com
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Doug Yoder

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit - there's footprints on the moon."

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