Pierburg pump for 4KQ???

L DC ldc007usa at yahoo.com
Sat May 6 10:57:26 EDT 2006

I just replaced the fuel pump on my '86 5KTQ with a
brand new Pierburg one vs a failed Bosch unit.

The Pierburg fuel pump is smaller but contains a
plastic casing that fits just perfect within the
plastic bracket that held the Bosch pump.

I have no complains so far, but then again, I have not
driven the car, just the let engine run idle for some
30 minutes while I checked for leaks; oil; H2O; fuel
after sitting for some time.

-Best Regards,



--- Quattro <quattro at strubranch.com> wrote:

> I recently had a bad experience with Pierburg pumps,
> so I would be cautious.
> A friend with an 86 CGT wanted to replace his
> factory pump and filters.  He
> bought a Pierburg, and we spent some time installing
> and modifying the wires
> (the Pierburg does not take the factory connectors).
>  When we opened up the
> clamped line to the fuel tank, the pump started
> oozing fuel.  We
> triple-checked everything, and ultimately decided it
> was coming from the
> pump itself.  We could see where gas was seeping
> from a seam at the
> discharge end of the pump.
> We returned the still-functional Bosch pump (and
> wiring!) to the car so he
> could drive it.  We contacted our parts provider
> sjmauto.com, and he sent us
> *another* Pierburg pump.  We again attempted to
> install the Pierburg, and
> the new replacement pump leaked in the same manner. 
> We were very careful to
> make sure we did not damage the pump in any way, and
> checked all fittings
> tight.
> We have returned both Pierburgs for refund, and will
> install the new Bosch
> Scott sent us when our schedules next coincide.  We
> are quite satisfied with
> the service Mr. Mockry has provided, but are
> mystified as to why the
> Pierburg pumps suddenly seem to have a containment
> issue.
> YMMV, etc.
> >>>>>Bernie
> Brendan sed:
> >Anyone know if there is one available? My old bosch
> pump is starting to
> make
> >some odd noises,MMO hasn't helped in the last 5
> tanks so i figured it's
> time
> >to go... I hear the pierburg is a better/quieter
> unit. Also anyone have a
> >source for the accumulator lines, or do i need to
> figure out something home
> >brew?
> >TIA!
> >Brendan
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