Pierburg Pump, Brakes, etc., etc.
ldc007usa at yahoo.com
Mon May 8 15:01:48 EDT 2006
Hi Alex and Roy!!
I hope I don't have to deal with that on my '86 5TQK,
brakes that is, given that I live in south Fl; and boy
does it get hot and humid here.
I bought this car a couple of years ago and have not
really driven it until everything has been sorted out
little by little on my spare time, which is little.
But will need to get it going even just on the
weekends before other things just go by sitting in the
Now that I'm ready to drive it, so it seems, the brake
pedal is really hard and brakes not as responsive.
It's very, very low in PS fluid, and so far I have not
replenish it because it appears to have a leak in the
rack-N-pinion area. I replaced the high pressure hose
and will double check to make sure is tight enough and
not leaking at the rack-n-pinion connection before I
top it off with green gold.
The bomb was working just fine when I first drove the
Obviously, steering is hard when car is parked.
-Best Regards,
--- Kneale Brownson <kneale at coslink.net> wrote:
> In my experience with this problem on a 5ktq, it
> only happened in really
> hot weather. Hasn't been much of that since last
> November if you're in the
> northern third of the country.
> At 01:01 PM 5/8/2006 -0400, E. Roy Wendell IV wrote:
> >
> I lubed everything up with brake fluid and put it
> >all back together with the check valves rotated to
> a new position.
> >It's been fine since November. YMMV of course.
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