Pierburg Pump, Brakes, etc., etc.

L DC ldc007usa at yahoo.com
Wed May 10 08:36:59 EDT 2006

I often thought about the creation of some kind of
shroud to hook up around and behind the fan in the
shape of a funnel that would bend donwards to direct
the hot air under the car; somewhat along the lines of
the fuel injector cooler fan design :)

Although, I don't know how such heat channeling shroud
would affect air flow through the radiator given it
would encounter some resistance, no matter how
aerodynamic said shroud is. 

Just a thought.

-Best Regards,


Alex wrote:

> I think a little creative use of heat-shielding
> might help both problems on both cars.  I was 
> really, really surprised at how hot the MC was 
> getting on my car as a result of the radiator 
> cooling fan.  A few good heat soaks like that and 
> any internal problem with the MC is going to be 
> magnified.  

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