Talking to an Audi rep, and Diesels in the US

L DC ldc007usa at
Fri May 12 16:49:42 EDT 2006

Based on my travels around certain parts of the world,
I have come to the conclusion that we get the
crappiest cars imported into the US, not to mention
American marques; no offense to anyone but that seems
to be a fact.

In a recent trip to Latin America, I got to see the
new generation of TDI automobiles from high end as
Mercedes to Toyota and Nissans. Hey, even Kia, Hyundai
and Daewoo got nice TDI cars!!!


Sold in the US as a gas guzzler Lexus GX470, in Latin
America is sold as the Toyota Prado.

Prado: Turbo Diesel, AWD, 5spd stick

Lexus GX470: V8 gas lover

Also, and despite the fact they share the same
chassis, the Prado is equipped with all the goodies
such as euro headlights/ tail lights, antenna, etc.,
ect., unlike the US gas version. 

Forget the Tacoma or Tundra, can you get me a Hilux??

4runner or fortuner, you decide.

Check out the other models:



--- Andrew Duane <andrew at> wrote:

> My recent trip to France had some interesting Audi
> side-effects.
> On the airport shuttle bus, I happened to sit next
> to one of the
> VW/Audi regional factory reps, and we got to
> talking. After I vented
> a bit about my treatment by AoA and my dealer when
> my timing belt went,
> we started talking about TDIs in the US.
> I've always been mad that Audi doesn't import it's
> diesels into the US.
> I love my A6Q, but 20-22MPG just doesn't cut it. He
> indicated that there
> are problems with diesel fuel specs in the US, which
> made it hard to make
> most new TDIs work well. That seems to be getting
> fixed, and he indicated
> that some new A6 and/or Q7 models with TDIs might be
> here soon.
> On arriving in France, I discovered my rental car
> was a Peugot 307 TDI
> wagon. A very nice car, almost the equal of my A6.
> Handled well, ran
> smoothly, quite decent pick-up. And, when I refilled
> at the pump, I
> discovered that I got between 40 and 45 MPG, twice
> what my A6 gets! 
> Now more than ever I wish Audi would get this ball
> rolling. Why waste
> money with hybrids of questionable longevity and
> $$$$ required battery
> replacements, when TDI technology is decades old,
> and gets an HONEST
> 40+ MPG in a decent inexpensive car? It would be a
> no-brainer for me to
> get an A6Q Avant TDI as my next car.
> Rant off, back to my jet lag.......
> -- 
> Andrew Duane            Member Technical Staff - SPG
> SavaJe Technologies     andrew at
> 100 Apollo Drive        p: 978.856.4943
> Chelmsford, MA 01824    f: 978.256.8386
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