[s-cars] Brake Fluid

John S. Lagnese jlagnese at massed.net
Thu May 18 15:44:32 EDT 2006

Very bad for paint. I saw a motorcycle that had the gastank paint ruined. 
The mechanic didn't tighten the MC(on the handlebar for non-bikers) and the 
brake fluid ran down the custom design on the tank as it sat in the sun. Not 
a happy biker!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Kase" <davekase at pdqlocks.com>
To: "Max Hoepli" <mhoepli at vif.com>
Cc: "Quattro at AudiFans" <quattro at audifans.com>; "audi s-cars list" 
<s-car-list at audifans.com>; <w-t_audifans at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Brake Fluid

> Bad for paint!
> I have not /seen/ any adverse effects personally.  I do wash it off
> paint and rubber (tires) immediately with soap and water.
> I think the newer paints and tires are not as adversely effected as the
> old stuff but I don't want to find out.
> Brake fluid can be stored for a while if sealed.  It does collect water
> so sealing it is important.  I am sure others will have other opinions
> on this.
> You can bleed a system by opening the ports at the calipers and keeping
> the reservoir full but I would clean it up, especially the tires.
> HTH,
> Dave Kase
> self proclaimed shade-tree mechanic...
> Max Hoepli wrote:
>>What should brake fluid be kept away from on a car?
>>What can brake fluid alter, remove or damage?
>>How long can brake fluid be stored once container has been opened?
>>I've seen brake fluid bled just by opening up valve at rear and letting 
>>run out over tires.
>>S-CAR-List mailing list
>>S-CAR-List at audifans.com


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