valve guides

Alan Pritchard alan.pritchard at
Fri May 19 12:12:14 EDT 2006

Sounds about right
Generally speaking the "hole" is made to a standard size and the shaft
machined to suit (ie undersize) however when reaming the hole size can
be varied slightly depending on lubricant used and reaming speeds etc...
But a simple hand ream with a thin oil should produce a suitable result
(going from engineering knowledge, not engine building lol)


R&M Electrical Group
Alan Pritchard
Network Administrator
Units 1 & 2 362 Spring Road
Southampton,Hampshire,SO19 2PB
mail: alan.pritchard at
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-----Original Message-----

From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Duncan Thomson
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 6:27 AM
To: quattro at
Subject: valve guides


Does anyone know what size the valve guides for a KV engine (2226cc) 
need to be reamed to once fitted?
Valve stems seem to be around 7.96mm, so I'm guessing 8mm would be 
right... can anyone confirm this for me?

'86 CQ
'88 90Q

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