Air Filter - '87 5KCSTQ
Kneale Brownson
kneale at
Sun May 21 16:29:15 EDT 2006
If you'd been able to access the archives more easily, you'd have run
across postings recommending installing a metal bridge over the crosspiece
so the spring can't cut through it again. I folded a little piece of tin
and poked a hole through both layers just below the plastic bar to hook the
spring through when I did my 87.
The big issue to replacing the air filter is getting the spring clips on
the airbox open. I took the heavy hook off a wooden pants hanger to use as
a clip tool. A screwdriver with the end heated/bent into a hook would work
At 03:35 PM 5/21/2006 -0400, Alex Kowalski wrote:
>I know this has been covered at least once in the past, but the list
>archives are running a little slow for some reason, and there doesn't appear
>to be anything in the KB so:
>Does anyone have any tips on replacing the air filter on an '87 5KCSTQ?
>Aside from having a lot of beer and a copy of Playboy around so you can have
>something nice to look at when you get really, really mad?
>Also, in other developments:
>I decided it might be a nice idea to take off the big Audi logo plastic
>plenum cover, clean it up and fix the cracks in it with some epoxy. And
>vacuum out the leaves and debris from the area under the cover. Well.
>Fixing the plastic wasn't so hard. I washed it off with warm soapy water,
>dried it and used some heavy-duty plastic-only epoxy, which sealed the
>cracks right up. This way the water will go where it's supposed to go.
>But while cleaning out the leaves, and peering inside the evaporator
>housing, I noticed to my horror that the spring connecting the fresh
>air/recirc doors had come loose sometime in the past few months. I hadn't
>noticed it because I'd barely been driving the car because of the suspension
>work. Well, anyway, the crosspiece that the upper end of the spring between
>the doors connects to snapped in the middle. Wonderful. I epoxied the
>living daylights out of it, put a clamp on it, and let it cure for a full 24
>hours. While I was at it I took off the lower door, cleaned it, and
>replaced the crumbling foam insulation with some closed-cell
>weatherstripping cut to size. Vacuumed out the evaporator housing as
>thoroughly as I could and also degunked the fins. When I started it back up
>and put the A/C on, the effort was worth it: the air is cooler than ever,
>and smells a lot nicer, too. Now I have my fingers crossed that the epoxy
>is going to be strong enough to last. Seems to be holding so far.
>Thanks for the air filter tips, if there are any meaningful ones beside the
>aforementioned and "Pull The Engine"
>Alex Kowalski
>'87 5KCSTQ -- "Gretchen"
>'86 5KCSTQ -- "Sessa"
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