queue violin music...

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Mon May 22 08:39:34 EDT 2006

Having recently experienced the sale of my 200Q, I feel your "loss". My lone
Audi, the S6 is "newer" enough at 10.5 yrs old to not "need" the list as
but I'd sure miss being on the list anyway. Besides, it's not a big deal to
on, that's what the "delete" key is for.

In reality, the sophistication of your Allroad will bring you back.
Hopefully just
for mods ;-). Good luck with the new ride.


On 5/22/06, Taka Mizutani <t44tqtro at gmail.com> wrote:
> Chris-
> There are a fair number of listers both on the main list and the s-car
> list that have allroads or other 2.7T engined cars. I think you'll miss
> the list if you sign off completely. :-)
> You may also find that the depth of technical knowledge on this list
> and its sublists is far greater than any other audi forum that I'm aware
> of.
> Taka
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