Will 96 A4 lock tranmitter work on a 96 A6?

Jim Dupree jdupree914 at sbcglobal.net
Tue May 23 22:14:42 EDT 2006

Can anyone tell me if the flip-out key transmitter from a 1996 A4 can be
programmed to operate the door locks in a 96 A6. The 96 A6 originally came
with a key Fob transmitter that Audi now wants over $100 for the Fob. Thru
my local dealer a key blank (sidewinder style) and the key Fob transmitter
for my A6 would cost close to $300 and of course have to be ordered. And I
still have to get the key cut.
My thought was that I could get a flip-out key blank and transmitter and
have then key cut to match my key and program the transmitter to my A6. I
have a local lock smith that can cut the sidewinder style keys.
Anyone know one way or the other?
1993 urS4
1996 A6q

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