Air Filter - '87 5KCSTQ

L DC ldc007usa at
Wed May 24 10:38:04 EDT 2006

Hi Alex!!

Alex wrote:

> I was thinking of that but had the epoxy handy.  It
> seems sturdy at this point, but if it fails again
> that's going to be the next step.

You're referring to that plastic rain-tray, correct?

My car also has a few, but not so bad or many, little
cracks on the rain ass flaky material.

Anyway, on one of my trips to the junky awhile back, I
came across an Audi 100 model, '89 or higher year, and
noticed it had a much, much beefier plastic rain tray,
so I bought it for some $15-$20.

I think is AUDI OEM, but would have to check.

I have yet to fit it in the car too.

Alex wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestion about the airbox.  That 
> clip at the back is almost impossible to see, much
> less open and close, unless you are PlasticMan.

Hmmm..... I think I have become PlasticMan from
working on all my 3 classics in my spare time over the
past 2 years.

This includes a top end engine rebuilt and engine
painting ('87 VW QSW), fuel pump R&R and engine
detaling/painting, clutch R&R ('86 5KTQ) and currently
another clutch job ('85 VW QSW).

I just R&R the air filter on my '86 5KTQ. I'm able to
stick my left skinny arm around and under the rubber
boot to get to the bottom left clip.

You could also use a long, preferably beefy, screw
driver to get to it also.  



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