swapping brake caliper guide pins -- front to rear

Jan Pinkowish jpinkowish at earthlink.net
Wed May 24 12:44:16 EDT 2006

I'm refreshing the rear brake calipers/carriers on the 4kq.
Both guide pin boots on one of the carriers are torn and the pins are now pitted.
I buffed the pins with a wire wheel and they slide smoothly in their bores, but the pin surfaces aren't silky smooth like they should be.

Now, I have some spare guide pins from 4kq front calipers that are in perfect conditon.  However, they are slightly shorter than the pins from the rear calipers.

Question is, can I use the slightly shorter pins in the rear calipers?  They certainly appear long enough for the task.

Jan Pinkowish
'85 4ksq

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