rednecks in audis

Steve R srosen at
Fri May 26 23:45:38 EDT 2006

Hi Al,

I thought I'd write direct on this. I'm not sure if you get the meaning of the term redneck. It has nothing to do with taste in cars or race. Believe me, a redneck does usually not own an Audi. 

It was a humorous and truthful post. 

Cheers, Steve

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Alex Kowalski 
  To: quattro at 
  Cc: jordanVW at ; dgraber460 at ; srosen at ; streichea001 at ; evan at 
  Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 10:21 PM
  Subject: Re: rednecks in audis

  Just one other thing.  I wouldn't call this post racist, but I would say that it goes against the spirt of Audifans in the sense that everyone here, black, white yellow, green, French, Russian, Romanian, American, Republican, Democrat, Leftist, Rightist, etc., etc., etc. and so on, have enjoyed the correspondence on this list because in a sense, we've all got a little "redneck" inside us when it has come to owning these cars.  Ben Swann isn't a multinational conglomerate, and neither is Dave Kase, and neither is Avi Meron, and neither are any of the other countless number of people who have worked very hard over the years and contributed to both the Q-List and Audifans so that we could keep these cars running well as inexpensively as possible. 

  jordanVW, what I'd suggest instead of laughing at the guy is to drop a note under his windshield wiper and give him the URL so that he can keep his very nice car running very well.  That would be better than mocking him, the brand, and the spirit of this List, I think. 

  Just my $0.02, as an Evil Republican.

  Alex Kowalski
  '87 5KCSTQ
  '86 5KCSTQ
  Very grateful to the Quattro List

  On 5/26/06, Alex Kowalski <hypereutectic1 at> wrote: 
    Naaaah.  It's not racist.  Offensive to people who spend too much for their used cars, perhaps, but not racist.  ;)  On the other hand, maybe after driving around in an A4 for a while, the fam. will get the idea to clean the wrecks up out of the front yard and go all dapper on people's a$$ses.  

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