Temperature sensor

Alex Kowalski hypereutectic1 at gmail.com
Mon May 29 00:24:43 EDT 2006

Jim wrote:

> I have not had any luck finding a source for the multifunction
temperature sensor for my 1989 200Q on the internet.  I have tried  multiple
vendors and no one
> lists this sensor.  Does anyone know a  good source??

Scott Mockry has them:


And so does eBay, at *rock bottom prices* caveat emptor, yadda yadda:


This sensor comes in 3 wire and 4 wire versions, but both effectively work
the same and are interchangeable.  The 4-wire version is NLA according to
SJM.  You can read about the differences here, but apparently the 3 wire
version eliminates the +12v wire as not needed, but otherwise is a direct


Alex Kowalski
'87 5KCSTQ
'86 5KCSTQ
(And no, I'm not shilling for SJM or eBay, it was just an appropriate
question.  Occasionally interesting parts come up on eBay.  I do a search
once a week.)

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