Kneale Brownson kneale at
Tue May 30 12:47:29 EDT 2006

Sounds like an oil supply issue.  I'd make certain all the oil passages are
clear before running the engine again.

At 07:56 AM 5/30/2006 -0400, AUDIJIM at wrote:
>I can't believe this!!!!! I get up at 0430 hrs for work, start the car (93'  
>S4) and precede as normal. I get onto the highway and cruise along and I
> to hear a knocking. It changes with RPM. I pull over and pop the hood and at 
>the  same time a tractor trailer almost hit me and the car. Confirmed, I have 
>a knock  and it's bad. I limp the car home and pull the oil pan. Number 5 
>connecting rod  only has a small portion of it's rod bearings! 
>WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This is not good. I'm burned my hands 
>taking this apart so 
>quickly so I need to  address that soon. Too much adrenaline right now. I'm 
>to see if the crank  is OK and run some very fine emery cloth with a cord and 
>see how it looks. The  rod end that I took off looks so-so but I will mike 
>everything and see if this  is OK. I just don't understand how this happened. 
>There is only 2000 miles on  this engine since I built it. I miked 
>everything and 
>AND used plastigauge to  make double sure this was going together correctly. 
>I'm totally beside myself  right now.
>Angry Jim
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