Movie night in Eastern MA, German Car Day in Boston

Alex Kowalski hypereutectic1 at
Wed May 31 21:42:30 EDT 2006

Brett wrote:

>We have 5 UrQ's confirmed coming too!  What better way to
>spend father's day than ogling German cars with the kids? :-)

I'm going to be there unless the wheels fall off the '87 5KCSTQ.  Quiet
now.  ;)
Bertucci's is a great place, BTW.

Second part:

>-What do people think about the idea in general?
>-Interested in coming? (not quite RSVP, but it'll help gauge interest).
>-If you are interested in coming, which is better for -you-; end of
>June versus end of July?
>-If you are interested in coming, which is better for -you-: weekend
>vs. weekday night?
>-Any other movie suggestions?

Sounds like fun.  I'll try it and see where things go from there.  June/July
doesn't matter particularly, but weekend would be better for me, unless it's
a Thursday night, which could work, too.  Movies and some food and a parking
lot full of Quattros and Quattro enthusiasts sounds like fun to me.

BTW, NAC here:  If Ford had *any* brains whatsoever someone at Corporate
would have pitched the idea for a remake of Bullit, perhaps starring Brad
Pitt reprising Steve McQueen, in the new Mustang, which is hands-down the
best-looking Ford to have rolled out of anywhere in at least 20 years.  I'd
pay the $8 to see that.

Alex Kowalski
'87 5KCSTQ
'86 5KCSTQ

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