No subject

Tue May 30 12:02:15 EDT 2006

to stay away from the mechanical ones. If that bronze/
copper tubing kinks and breaks you'll have oil leaks
to deal, and if happens inside the cockpit you can
figure out the mess that would be.

As for my search for Sunpro (water temperature at
least), their sensors/sending units seem quiet bigger
and bulkier than the rest and would have to by some
kind of adapter, bulky enough for accommodation.

Check this oil temp/ pressure gauge oil filter

As for the gauges themselves take a look at the

But like I said, the variety is plentiful, so do I
search for yourself to see which you like best.

When I first did a search on e-Bay on gauges about 5
months ago, the dominant player was Autometer with
prices for temperature gauges no less than $55 bucks,
about a month or so ago, a bunch of new comers started
popping up with much cheaper and nicer looking

The competition has gotten fierce, so guess what's
been happening to Autometer prices? 

I guess is all good for us, the consumer :)

-Best Regards,


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