Wheel offset question

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Thu Nov 2 18:57:17 EST 2006

>>Should I expect any  
>>major issues going from a factory ET45 wheel to an aftermarket ET30  
>>wheel on a '00 A6 2.7t?
> I'd think that's enough of a difference to affect directional
> stability noticeably. Check for bump steering and the tendency to pull
> out of ruts in the road. It is a true PITA to drive a car that does
> not want to go straight.

Yes, I thought so, just hadn't posted yet.  The wider track increases 
"tramlining", or the tendency of the car to follow road irregularities.

On my 90Q I have 15" speedlines, et38, I believe, in place of the et45 
stock bbs's, and it is twitchier (not as eager to go straight) and wants 
to steer "down" road camber.

It is also a bit "scrubby" on tight slow turning (full lock, pretty 
much), which might be the offset, or perhaps running 205 vs. 195 tires 
(I doubt it), or perhaps a gruntly torsen arguing with the road.

Huw Powell



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