Wheel offset question

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 16:10:46 EST 2006


This is exactly what I was saying and another lister insists on arguing
a point which is simply wrong and only causes misinformation.

Thank you for stating the information clearly and concisely.


On 11/3/06, H <audihelge at start.no> wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Nov 2006 18:09:50 -0700, Chris Thorp wrote:
> >I don't mean to seem argumentative, and I find your advice very
> >helpful, but I'm a bit confused how clearance isn't directly related
> >to offset.
> Offset describes the horizontal distance between hub contact surface
> and center of *tyre*. Nothing else. The spokes can have any size or
> shape without affecting offset. The size and shape of the spokes will,
> however, affect caliper clearance.
> Imagine turning your wheels inside-out. You'd have extremely low
> offset (even positive), but the spokes would still crash into your
> calipers.
> >If I put on a (hypothetical) 10mm spacer, which would
> >change my positive offset wheel from ET30 to ET20, wouldn't I have
> >exactly 10mm more clearance?
> Yes, that's correct. Adding a spacer is one way of changing offset,
> but that's not necessarily how the manufacturer did it with your
> particular wheel.
> The spacer moves the entire wheel outward. If you were to build a new
> wheel, you might choose to move the tyre outward on the spokes
> instead.
> In other words: When you buy new wheels, you must always check caliper
> clearance, regardless of wheel size and offset.
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