200 might be sick again, Update-2

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Sun Nov 5 11:02:42 EST 2006


Just a quick one 
I got home from Niagara yesterday

the CEL came on during the trip and i pulled the 2144 code  which is number 2 knock sensor open circuit.
This seems to be an intermittent problem so i'm guessing that it's somewhere in the loom, although the CEL light comes on during gentle acceleration through 3000rpm at 0.6 to 0.8 bar which is in knock territory is it not?
this only seems to happen in 5th gear on the highway and is independent of wet / dry weather.

so how does this work? does the ecu look for knock sensor 2 as the revs pass through 3000 or as the engine conditions approach the zone where knocking may occur, not find it, flash the light, store the code, then move on to other things as the revs climb?
I have yet to check for continuity in KS2, but have found some info about this code in the archives
I will keep you all posted


----- Original Message ----
From: Geraint Lloyd <geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca>
To: quattro at audifans.com
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2006 2:16:01 PM
Subject: Re: 200 might be sick again, Update

Cheers guys

I now have a few things to check on the way home

I will be concentrating on the knock, OX and inlet temp sensors. the knock sensor connectors look ok and the sensors themselves look well rusted onto the block, so i would guess that they have been there for a while. maybe one or both has gone up the spout with age.

one last question though. 
Will I get a temporary code for 'sustained knock', OXS out of range or out of spec inlet air temp if I pull codes before shutting down or do some or all of these data not get stored at all? 

i dont think that the IC is blocked, but I'll re-check at some point soon.
i removed the 'silencer' between the turbo and IC and it appeared to have all of its original foam still  in place. this would be the 'usual suspect' for the source of an IC block would it not?
the car idles ok and gets 1.7 bar of boost quite often and once hit 2.0bar when i was driving by myself
so the throttle switch must be ok.....

It looks like we will be returning to Montreal via NY state, so i wont be waving from the Hamilton Skyway, sorry 'bout that Steve.

Thanks again for the help and i will keep you posted as to what it turns out to be.

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