the grill

Dave Eaton Dave.Eaton at
Tue Nov 7 14:25:33 EST 2006

i like the new corporate audi face, the more i see it, the better it looks,
and the more it positions the new audi's over the mangled, disjointed
styling of the opposition.  to my eye, the a6 looks the most convincing (the
"dame edna" 5-series isn't much competition though), the q7 is good, and the
a4/s4/rs4 also.  

however, the new corporate face has 1 major (intended?) consequence.  it is
quite clear, at least where i live, that it has contributed significantly to
a major hit on re-sale of all the old-face cars.

i am looking at ex-lease rs6's at the moment, and one of the common reasons
for people not wanting to continue with the lease, according to the sales
guys, is that "their audi now looks old and they want the new face".  the
rs6's have lost perhaps 30% in 12 months as a consequence.  good buying.

'01 s8
'04 allroad tdi

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